Is there anything that says summer more than coconut? Coconut shampoos, lotions, sunscreen, air fresheners, and candles are available at every store. And then there’s all the tasty ways to use the coconut in food. Pina coladas, coconut cakes and coconut cream pies are popular favorites, just to name a few.
The coconut is not just limited to aroma and taste, though. There are a myriad of uses and health benefits of the coconut. Coconut oil is full of minerals, vitamins and amino acids that can assist in digestive disorders, viruses and bacterial and fungal infections. More research needs to be done, but coconut oil has long been a friend of the colon and has been known to aid in the digestive process (Source: LiveStrong).
Properties of coconut oil
Coconut is a good source of nutrition and fiber. Coconut oil is unique because it is comprised of medium chain triglycerides and not long chains of triglycerides. The shorter chain helps improve nutrient absorption and eliminate parasite infections. The antimicrobial properties in coconut oil help prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungal infections like candidiasis. Cleansing your colon with coconut oil can help restore lost vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Coconut oil and digestion
Not only does coconut oil help to clean the colon but it can help prevent digestive and nutritional diseases. Coconut oil has been especially helpful in relieving symptoms of Crohn’s disease. A digestive disorder that starts in the ileum, Crohn’s disease inflames the digestive tract and causes ulcers, fistulas, infections and diarrhea. According to Healthy Ways Newsletter, the short chains of fatty acids in the fiber of coconut meat can help sufferers of Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel disease and can help the digestive system absorb nutrients more efficiently. This is because the shorter chains of fatty acids puts less stress on the pancreas and digestive system.
Adding more coconut to your diet
There are many foods and supplements that we don’t want to add to our diet, but adding more coconut should be easy unless you do not prefer the taste. Taking a coconut oil supplement each day should help your digestion, but you can also try to eat more coconut too. Try sprinkling some toasted coconut on yogurt, cereal or granola. Dried coconut can also be a chewy, nutritious snack. Give the coconut a try! And while you’re at it, check out the Recipe section of the butt seriously blog to learn about new and tasty recipes for your colon health.