Free Screening Colonoscopies
You could get a FREE screening colonoscopy? Sounds a little too good to be true, right? However, did you know that as part of Affordable Care Act (ACA), screening colonoscopies are now mostly or fully covered by Medicare and many private insurers?
Determine your Eligibility
The best screening tool for preventing and diagnosing colon cancer is available to many individuals for free!
How do you know if you’re eligible? Free screening colonoscopies are based on a variety of factors, including your age, the type of insurance you have, your family history, and your health history. This can all seem confusing and complicated, which is why we’ve decided to simplify the process as much as possible with our Free Screening Colonoscopy Quiz.
Find out if you’re eligible for a free or reduced cost screening colonoscopy
Determine your Eligibility
The colonoscopy is the gold standard when it comes to colon cancer screenings because it can both detect and treat during the same procedure. Colon cancer is 90 percent treatable when discovered early, making a colonoscopy the best screening method to detect colon cancer in its early stages when it can be treated most effectively.